In this page an overview of products and services of Zamfactor Ltd.
Zamfactor Ltd is a company aiming to make optimum use of Zambian resources, put these to good use and make a living out of doing so. We have several production lines and offer several services.
We have the following lines of production:
1.1 Carpentry
Practiced as a cottage industry for local clients.
1.2 Textiles
The textile workshop also is a cottage type of industry. In it knitted goods are made on order, often for school going kids. There are three knitting machines.
The other production line is batik and tye & dye. The workshop presumably has the largest collection of hand made carved stamps in Zambia. Main products are printed cloth, wrappers, table cloth and clothing to order.
1.3 IT publication
We strongly believe that IT offers a fantastic yet real opportunity for information/knowledge sharing and communication. We operate three blogs:
- Z-factor Blog (this blog): having texts in english about miscellaneous topics
- ZamArt Blog : art events, stories, information of art in Zambia; meant as a forerunner of a zamart website.
- Z-factor Nl Blog: Notes about and/or from Zambia in the netherlands language.
1.4 Art
The activity in the past years has been limited to batik stamp design and drawings. We have a studio including an etching press and a ceramic kiln.
Zamfactor produces a number of services. These are:
2.1 Consultancy
Consultancy has been the main activity of the company since its establishment in 1995. Most consultancy work has been commissioned by development organisations (HIVOS, GTZ, VOLENS) through Zambian partners. Main area's of competence are arts and crafts, project management, museums, income generation and financial management.
2.2 Use of facilities and training
Graphic art facilities may be utilised by artists.
Training in batik and tye & dye can be provided.